Bellami Silk Seam Clip-In Extensions Review | Mane Addicts

2022-09-10 04:49:04 By : Ms. Jannicy Pu

With everything being online and with me working remotely, I found it difficult to keep up with my appearance. It was easy to roll out of bed and hop on a Zoom call with my camera off, blaming it on my poor wifi. However, this really took a toll on my psyche and even my self-confidence. So, I decided that it would be best to maintain my regular schedule and habits, which of course meant “getting ready” for my Zoom calls. Never mind that I was wearing biker shorts or PJ bottoms underneath my cute top, I was going to look fabulous no matter what. What ensued was a wild internet goose chase that led me to the most natural-looking extensions—the Bellami Silk Seam line.

I’ve always had thin hair and have been a fan of extensions. I’ve worn tape-ins on and off for years and I wanted to bring that look to the only human interactions I was having while working remotely—my Zoom calls. The order was tall: I needed something subtle enough that my colleagues didn’t pick up (or think I was ridiculous for wearing home alone with my dog) but substantial enough that it gave me a refreshed je ne sais quoi.

I didn’t want to commit to permanents or tape-ins, so clip-ins seemed to be the route to go. After some online research, I landed on Bellami’s Silk Seam Clip-in Hair Extensions. My thin mane was spared by their invisi-weft that doesn’t protrude from under my real hair. If you are a thin-haired girl you know exactly what I’m describing. Kat Lewis, the head of education at Bellami, reaffirmed why Bellami Silk Seam clip-ins are a good investment, “Clip-ins will look the most natural when they aren’t excessively long or over the top thick. Extensions can add texture and framing around the face to give you a natural and soft look, especially when worn in a straight style.”

I explained my dilemma, I wanted to spend minimal time on my hair but still make Gina in accounting jealous through Zoom. “My favorite [uncomplicated extension] style is always a softer wave,” begins Lewis. It’s easy and their dimension and volume help create any differences in length and hide any rogue wefts,” she continues. She also explained that clip-ins hold a curl that can last for a few uses, especially Bellami Silk Seam styles.

Although I’m trying hard to find the “better me” during this time, I’m just not there some days. For those mornings when I hit snooze one too many times and I find myself waking up only 10 minutes before a Zoom, Lewis recommends starting with a quick dry shampoo application. She also advocates for a touch of conditioner at the ends. Her secret tip is to run the blow dryer through strands while touching up with a round brush or hot tool. “You should really focus on anything from the ears forward. What they can’t see can’t hurt them,” she exclaimed. At that moment, I stared down at the PJ bottoms I was wearing in front of my computer and realized she couldn’t be more right.

Perfect for pixies, bobs, and lobs.

Yes, quality hair products can be found on TikTok!

Lowering your carbon footprint has never been easier.

Mane: (n.) A head of distinctly long,  thick hair.  Addicts:  (tr.v) To occupy or involve  oneself in something habitually or compulsively.